2018 CAN BE Your Best Year Yet!

by Jo

A short guide to creating and manifesting your BEST YEAR YET!

As we sit in the beauty of the New Moon in Sagittarius, know that she is drawing out the truth of who we are for the world. All views and values that no longer serve us need to be shed moving into the New Year and this really is such a powerful time to truly focus on personal evolution and growth.


Do you start your years off with resolutions? Promises to yourself to lose weight? Save money? Pay off debt? (They’re the most common resolutions, along with giving up smoking/drinking)

I have a two-step simple plan, to assist you in gliding so effortlessly into 2018 – I follow this every year and it is a magnificent way to move forward into a new beginning!


  • Something I do each year, instead of having ‘resolutions’ as such, is having a WORD. Just one word to mark my new year.
  • In 2015 my word was BEGIN.
  • In 2016 my word was ACTION.
  • In 2017 my word was INTENTION.
  • And in 2018 my word is BELIEVE.

Do you see how powerful and beautiful one single word can be? No promises. No resolutions. No pressure. Just one word, that truly resonates for you, choose it and move forward through your year, with THAT intent.

2015 was the year I really started my business. (BEGIN)

2016 was the year I wanted to truly step into myself and put myself out into the world. (ACTION)

2017 was the year where everything I did and everything I wanted to achieve was pulled sharply into focus (INTENTION)

2018 is the year where I will continue building on all I have learned from previous years and boldly step into the unknowns, readily embrace the challenges, learn from the mistakes and so willingly go where I have never gone before, to achieve what I have never dreamt of achieving. (BELIEVE)

I have long been a believer in the power of words. Their weight, their sentiment. I have had a lifetime love affair with literature and I teach my kids now, that everything we say and everything we do, IS IMPORTANT. 

It means something.

If we move forward through life with that thought as our foundation, words become incredibly powerful for us.

So choose a word. Think of your life, your business, your dreams, be truthful with where you’re at and where you want to be. And choose a word that resonates with every fibre of your being.

Let 2018 become that word!

And in every action, every decision, every step through the next 365 days around Sun, let that one word guide you.

Just. One. Word.

Of course you can journal and plan and write lists of all the things you want to achieve. But you will find, as I have, that our journey is a constantly morphing evolution, we can plan as much as we like, but we are prompted and ultimately led where we need to be, by life.

There are always some things however, that we retain control over, journal those. Write out your thoughts, imagine them achieved - and it is done.

I promise you, creating a space for this practice will change your life!


Now I want you to take that word you just chose and apply it to your life in 2018, close your eyes and imagine all you dream of, unfolding with ease. Focus on the way these achievements make you FEEL.

  • Who are you when you close your eyes?
  • What kind of woman or man must you become, to walk boldly into 2018 and take on the tasks that lay before you?
  • Who you were in 2017 will no longer serve you going into the New Year.

Write it out! (Yes this is an exercise, put pen to paper and become EXCITED about YOUR LIFE!

Who is the 2018 you?

What is he/she like?

What does he/she believe?

What does he/she DO?

Why is he/she so amazing?

What is he/she committed to creating, or achieving?

WHY is he/she determined to make 2018 the best year yet?

Talk it out!

Your ONE WORD, coupled with your vision of who you will be in 2018 is your goal. THAT is your motivation. THAT is your intention. THAT is the way you will move forward into the New Year.

With determination and focus, anything is possible. Anything!

Close your eyes. Repeat after me

“I BELIEVE all that is meant for me, will come to me, with ease and purposeful intention. I believe in my abilities and in myself and I know 2018 is going to be my greatest year yet!”

The manifestation of all we believe in and focus on, is always possible.

If we do so, with great intention and passionate conviction, it is already done.

You must remind yourself of your word!

Carry your word and the notes of the woman/man you see yourself as in 2018 in your purse, or pin it on your office wall, or keep it in your bedside table.

And re-read it. Visit it. Expand upon it throughout the year.

We are constantly evolving spirits and the year itself will gift us with experiences and opportunities we could never have forseen or planned for. So then it only makes sense, that we continue adding to the list of who we see ourselves as, in 2018.

But your word. That one word? That remains your constant.

That is your anchor.

The foundation you build all else from.

The catalyst, the reason and the power of your year – will lay within your word.

Choose it well. And choose it wisely.

It’s something I look forward to doing, with such passion, at the end of each and every year.

And as 2017 comes to a close, have gratitude for who you were this year and who you became.

It’s time to let go of her (or him) and step into a new self.

Feel the personal power of that.

Allow yourself to be beckoned and seduced by it.

We consistently are, what we consistently do.



Warmth, light & love,

Jo x