LOVE in the time of Covid-19 - EDITION 1

by Jo

Love in the time of Cholera - by Gabriel Garzia Marquez is one of my very favourite books.

Evocative, jarringly disgusting and written in the most poetic, enticing way - it draws you into the monotony and the magic of his carefully woven story line.

This book is about unrequited love. 

A love of the ages.

A love that lasts a lifetime....

Falling in love with this book, led me to many other works by Gabriela Garcia Marquez. 

He is masterful with his use of language and prose to evoke a powerful human response.

Perhaps, because what he writes about is commonality? 

The very lowest resonance of our human experience.

Jealousy? Lust? Greed? All the most disgusting and contentious attributes of humanity - are somehow softened so lovingly, but the way he treads so gently and so heartachingly purposefully, around love.

And so we find ourselves here, in my little slice of the world.

Where I will be celebrating love and the gentle miracles, within the moments - every day, for the next 30 days.

I relayed this story when I went LIVE on Instagram last night, because still, at the recollection of it, it brings tears to my eyes.

Amidst the madness of social distancing, flattening the curve of Covid-19, lock downs and panic buying - I ventured to the grocery store for bread, milk and sanitary products for my teenage girls.

I have worked from home for six years now, I practice self isolation every day! ha!

I was amazed to see aisles and aisles of product stripped absolutely bare.

There was no bread. 

No milk. 

And definitely no sanitary products.

I stood there utterly dumbfounded for a moment and gently shook my head.

You know, I've seen and experienced a lot in this lifetime. 

But humanity still has a way of shocking me with their utter selfishness.

I know, from a higher perspective, that this is merely the outcome of 'survival instinct' kicking in.

When we're faced with a challenge that is so great and so monumental, that we cannot control - it is completely normal, as human beings, that we go into "survival" mode.

Self preservation mode.

Sadly, often, that means a great deal of selfishness and irrational behaviour - to the detriment of all others.

But I digress...

I headed toward the "baby" aisle to see if I could get some lotion for my littlest girls.

I saw a disheveled woman standing in the middle of the aisle alone, sobbing. 

Her hands covering her face.

I approached her slowly and asked "Are you ok? Can I help you?"

She turned weary eyes to me and explained that she had already been to six other stores and not one of them had any baby formula. 

She had a small newborn at home, who was hungry and needed to be fed and she couldn't find any infant formula - anywhere.

My heart surged at the sight of her despair. Her weary, tired eyes looked so defeated in that moment.

I felt a knot in my throat that I couldn't swallow past and my eyes filled with tears.

Back in my days as a single parent, barely surviving, struggling pay check to pay check - there were many times I couldn't even afford formula, or diapers, or wipes for my child. 

For a moment, I was transported back to my own despair and hopelessness. 

I couldn't bare to ever stand witness to another parent feeling that way.

I asked her to wait there and not move.

I made my way, two aisles over to a young man stocking shelves and I explained to him that a young Mother was looking for baby formula and had been to six other stores and everywhere is sold out. 

I asked him if he could possibly check out the back to see if there was any formula left, or if any deliveries had arrived and were awaiting shelf stocking.

He, of course, obliged. 

I led him to the young woman, who was still sobbing and she told him which formula she was looking for.

And off he went, in search of the elusive baby formula tin.

I stayed with her as she phoned her Mother, who was watching her baby. 

I had my hand on her back as she sobbed, explaining her plight to her Mother. 

Every store had bare shelves! 

Every store was empty!

Her newborn was screaming in the background, her poor Mother sounded utterly desperate for some relief too!

The pain of their situation was palpable, made worse somehow by the severe lack of sleep that new Mothers are tortured by. 

She was utterly inconsolable.

In that moment, I closed my eyes, my entire body was vibrating with her anxious energy, I put my hand on my heart and repeated in my head "God/Universe/Spirit? We are READY for every miracle you have for us!"

Mere seconds later, the young store worker appeared with two cans of the formula this distraught woman was looking for! 

A miracle! 

Within a VERY heavy moment! 

My heart soared! The surge of gratitude and relief I felt in that moment was monumental.

She quietly sobbed that she could only afford one of the cans.

"Absolutely not" I interjected.

I bought this young, tired, utterly wrung out Mama, the two cans of formula her baby would need.

My heart was so full.

Another customer, a young man, had been watching our interaction at the front desk. 

As he stood there waiting to order his cigarettes, I noticed he had a pack of highly coveted toilet paper under his arm - he paid for his transaction and then slowly handed the toilet paper over the counter to the Manager of the store - saying softly "Please gift this to an elderly customer, who has missed out and may need it"

My heart literally exploded!

My eyes were swimming with tears as I turned to him and choked out "You're a very good human being".

I came back to the comfort of my home, with no bread, no milk, no sanitary products for my teenage girls - but a heart overflowing with the breathtaking magnificence of humanity!

Small miracles my friends!

Within such chaotic moments.

Are so incredibly and deeply profound.

We, as inhabitants of this Earth, have so much left to learn.

But it is beyond inspiring, to watch every day, small miracles unfold, out of the burgeoning goodness of humanity.

And we must remember that this is our natural state.

We must embrace that and work toward re-instating that truth, as our constant.

Our resonance.

The frequency with which we rise up to meet the world.

We must tirelessly work, toward embodying our highest and greatest potential.

In this time of such great discomfort and constant change and the underlying fear, anxiety and panic, reverberating around the world, we must consciously and intentionally CHOOSE our greatness.

Every single day.

Be great today my friends.

In any and all ways that you can be.

The world is made a far more beautiful place - by small, intentional, every day acts of love.

Share your small miracles with me? I would love to hear about a moment, where humanity took your breath away, for all reasons good!

And if you're a small business, blogger, consultant, coach, light worker, re-seller, author, poet, maker, creator or artist who would like to be featured in my 30 days - email me! Or drop me a DM on Instagram.


Biggest Love Always,